By: Simon | Category: Portfolio (Historic)
Published Date: 6th January, 2024
…I was learning my trade, and this is one of my oldest websites. It may look dated today but way back when it was made, it was truly cutting edge. When it launched, there was no such thing as Facebook (well, it was being made in 2004 but only available to Hardvard students), no meaningful social media, and keyword advertising was only just getting going with Google Adwords.
The Power Of Affiliates
This was a fully featured search engine that relied on word of mouth and affiliates to gets it’s traffic. Leveraging affiliates was one of the only ways to mass market websites, and this one got big. Really big. You may even have seen it if you were online back then.
It got so big that it was ranked in the top 8,000 sites in the world according to Alexa, was getting over 60 million hits a month, especially in the USA, and had over 8,000 website owners sending traffic my way.
It was enormous. Imagine doing this with no social media today. This was all single handedly built, run, and maintained with from a laptop on my kitchen table. Having this website meant I was ‘in the zone’ for several years. I was constantly working, constantly evolving, and constantly communicating with the world. A true baptism of fire.
It’s amazing to think this was 20 years ago. Time flies.