Enhancing Speed & Performance

By: Simon | Category: Portfolio
Published Date: 20th March, 2024

As a very established website, Career Smarter was in need of a performance boost to help pass core web vitals.

Keeping Complete Website Functionality

Career Smarter was a very large website that extensively uses a lot of plugins as well as Woocommerce. The challenge as to keep all plugins working, whilst navigating the files to ensure it was performing at it’s best to pass Google’s scoring metrics.

Despite utilising Woocommerce, I managed to get the website to ‘Go Green’ on the scoring metrics, and over time this will enable the website to pass Core Web Vitals.

Note that after increasing pagespeed, it can take 30 days for Google to collect it’s field data and mark the website as passed.

Passing Core Web Vitals

Once PageSpeed optimisation is complete, it will pass on high performing lab data. Generally you want to aim for a lab score of over 80 on desktop, and 65 on mobile. Then, Google will collect data for 30 days.

Do note that you must have a minimum of 2,000 users per month for Google to quantify your Core Web Vitals score.

Once You Pass

You will cross an important milestone that will have one of the most positive effects on your website. Not only will it rank up, as it will be officially provide a good user experience, but it will provife a much more seamless experience for your users as well.

This is a perfect example of the kind of service and changes that can be achieved when you order my Pagespeed Tuning Service. I can either work on my own, or over a live video call, providing a consultation at the same time.

Speed Is Important

A group of engaged co-workers reviewing content on a digital tablet, embodying the collaborative spirit of a modern, values-driven company with growing walls.

Real Optimisation Is A Skilled Job

Many people offer optimisation service at a cheaper price, but the truth is they are simply installing and configuring a few plugins. This is not true optimisation, and most of the time, when the server cache clears, you can be left with serious website errors.

You may not realise it at first as you will be looking at a version of your website that is locally cached on your computer. But new visitors will see the errors straight away, and this is when error reports will come in and you will realise that something must be wrong.

My service is different in that I use a myriad of techniques to optimise a website. I use a combination of plugins, custom code, and experience to ensure your website does not break. It can take many, many hours on some large websites with a lot of plugins to ensure everything is working exactly as expected. Everything is constantly server cache cleared during the process.

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