Creating A Better Performing Website

By: Simon | Category: Portfolio
Published Date: 19th March, 2024

As an established website, Commsmasters was in need of a lick of paint and some extensive performance enhancements.

The Lightest Of Touches

I updated the design, but kept it’s branding intact. With the theme using a very out of date version of Thrive Architect, I was set to update the website from it’s very core. This is a common problem with websites that have been online for a few years.

The website increased it’s page speed and SEO scoring metrics dramatically, resulting in a much better customer uptake, boosting profitability.

Alongside all core updates, and some compatibility re-coding, I switched server so the website would be online, all the time and without errors. This is a crucial aspect where errors can occur ‘behind the scenes’ and cause unseen problems with your SEO.

Improving Email Deliverability

The website had both email and SSL issues, and I repaired these, restoring full communications between the website, the end user, Thrive Architect, and the owner.

On The Fly Changes

Working at the behest of three different people, I produced a new Zoom webinar section that was designed according to exact standards. This work was performed in real time, over Zoom to get exactly what the customer wanted.

I can work on my own or within a team in real time. This has huge benefits as if you are planning a marketing campaign or you require specific jobs completed quickly on your website, you can verify your needs exactly and see results in real time.

This is a perfect example of the kind of service and changes that can be achieved when you order my website maintenance services. With this service I am at your sole disposal for the duration of your booked time.

Reinventing Your Website

Commsmasters ignite content

You Can Use What You Have

To Save Time & Money

Keeping On Top Of Your Website

Your website is the very face of your business online. It is vital that it is kept up to date, every month so you can maximise it’s potential.

My maintenance and design services help you achieve just that. I can perform any service whether it be design, SEO, or functional. Keeping on top of your website ensures it always performs at it’s best, and does not fall foul of errors or becoming outdated, which in turn increases your website UX and thus, it’s overall rank in search engines.

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Web Design & SEO


